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What to Look for in a Reputable Spa

If you drive down any major street, in any big city, you will be sure to stumble across no fewer than three nails salons/spas for every five block radius. With so many salons to choose from, how do you know which one is the best and safest bet? I have 5 surefire ways to tell if the spa you are in is worth the precious coin you are about to pay.

Look for licenses. When you first walk into a spa look for any licenses posted. Most reputable spas will have either all employees licenses prominently displayed near the cash register or at each technicians workstation. If you don’t happen to see them displayed, ask your beauty professional out rightly if you can see their certifications. You may also wish to ask them questions like; “How long have you been practicing” and “How long have you been at this establishment”. True professionals have to work hard to get through their classes, are very proud of their accomplishments, and will welcome showing and talking to you about this.

Technique. Good therapists have learned good techniques to use in order to make their customers comfortable. Be aware of what they are doing; are they too rough, fumbling through your treatment, or otherwise seeming clueless? For example, if you go to a local spa to have a massage and find your therapist pressing aggressively on a bony prominence that contains no muscle underlayer (hips, clavicle area, scalp) for no good reason, you can be pretty safe in assuming that they are not really likely to have a good knowledge base. At that point it may be in your best interest to stop the treatment short and go before any damage is done.

Products. Good spas will take pride in their reputation and the products they use. They will tell what items they will be using on you beforehand and have the items ready for you after your treatment for you to purchase if you wish. They will stand beside you and explain the active ingredients in every product, what it does, and why they would recommend it for you. Most customers don’t look forward to these moments and think of them as the necessary sales pitch they have to sit through, but that notion couldn’t be more false. Your therapist will talk to you, get an idea of your likes and dislikes, and note any problem areas you may have. They will then use their training to recommend something that would suit you best. The idea is not so much to try to “make a sale”, although I’m sure its part of it, the main idea is to educate you as best they can.

Cleanliness. A good spa will be clean inside and out including in places a client would not readily be looking like in the washroom or under treatment tables. If you see spills, dust, chemicals, towels, wraps, or any other disorderly mess chances are that the location you picked is not the best. Also look around and make sure that you see devices that are used to sterilize tools and instruments. Obviously if a tool looks dirty or you are not sure, you really owe it to yourself to speak up and stop the treatment if need be.

Do they listen? A good spa will have technicians who listen to your requests for modifications and respect your privacy. Typically, before most body treatments, your technician will sit down with you to ask about any allergies you may have, injuries you are suffering from, and your overall preferences for the session. They will respect your need to remain draped and will not allow you to remain exposed or be seen by anyone else while exposed. They will also respect your boundaries and will check with you often during your treatment to make sure you are totally comfortable.

Although visiting salons and spas are relaxing and can make you feel better inside and out, it is really important to remember that it is your health that is at stake. A manicure or pedicure done with unclean instruments can leave you with terrible fungi that are very difficult to cure. An untrained masseuse can cause you even worse pain than you were in already and can possibly cause severe injury. A self taught esthician can cause severe burns on your face and possible infection and scarring. You owe it to yourself to ask questions and make sure you are getting the best. After all, you are the most important person in the world, and your health comes first!

Source : Best Medical Spa

Praiseworthy Pemmican: The Energy-Packed Treat!

Looking for an energy-packed and tasty treat that will fuel your adventures? Look no further than pemmican, the ultimate trailblazer snack! Pemmican has been enjoyed by indigenous peoples for centuries, and with good reason – it’s a delicious combination of protein, fat, and carbohydrates that will keep you going, whether you’re hiking rugged terrain or simply need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up. Read on to learn more about this delightful snack!

Pemmican: A Tasty Trailblazer!

Pemmican is a perfect combination of meat, fat, and berries or other fruits, all dried and ground together into a dense and satisfying snack. It has long been a staple of indigenous peoples in North America, who used it as a convenient, high-energy food source on long journeys or during lean times. Pemmican is easily transportable, non-perishable, and incredibly nutritious, making it the perfect snack for anyone on the go.

Time-Tested Recipe for a Powerful Punch!

Making pemmican is a simple process that anyone can do at home. First, you’ll need to dry some lean meat, either in the sun or in a low-temperature oven. Once the meat is dry and brittle, grind it into a powder, then mix in melted fat and dried berries or other fruits. Press the mixture into a flat cake, then let it cool and harden. From there, you can cut it into convenient bars or chunks for easy snacking. The result is a dense, flavorful snack that will give you sustained energy and keep you feeling full for hours.

The Perfect Snack for All Your Adventures!

Whether you’re hiking, camping, or just need a quick boost during a busy day, pemmican is the perfect snack for all your adventures. It’s lightweight and easy to pack, making it a great choice for backpackers or anyone who needs to carry their food with them. Plus, it’s incredibly filling and nutritious, so you won’t need to eat as much to feel satisfied. Pemmican is also a great choice for athletes or anyone who needs sustained energy over a long period of time.

Praise for Pemmican: A Nutritious Nibble!

Pemmican has been widely praised for its nutritional value and energy-boosting properties. It’s a great source of protein and healthy fats, which are essential for building and repairing muscles, as well as providing stable energy. Plus, the addition of dried fruits gives pemmican a boost of vitamins and minerals, making it a well-rounded and nutritious snack. Many people also appreciate the fact that pemmican is made from simple, whole-food ingredients that are easy to recognize and understand.

If you’re looking for a tasty, energy-packed snack that will keep you going on all your adventures, pemmican is the way to go. With its time-tested recipe and delicious flavor, it’s no wonder that this trailblazer treat has been enjoyed by so many people over the years. So go ahead and give pemmican a try – your taste buds (and your body) will thank you!

The forsythia sage, also known as Salvia madrensis, is a member of the mint family. Another name for this particular plant is the big yellow sage due to the flowers that it has. It is a relative to the over 700 species of Salvia, many of which are culinary or medicinal herbs. It is a perennial shrub that is used in many hummingbird gardens.

Description of the Forsythia Sage

This sage is a large plant, growing up to ten feet tall with a four to five foot width. There are big yellow flowers with the distinctive square stems that are typical for a mint plant. There are rough leaves, heart-shaped, that are bright green. Its flowers are in spikes from fall to the frost date.

Forsythia Sage Growing Guide

The Salvia madrensis prefers to grow in partial sun to full shade with a well-drained soil. It also needs regular watering to have the best growth. Propagate by root mass division or by cuttings. It will be hardy in the USDA hardiness zones of 7 through 11. Mulching is required in zone 7.

Native Elements

This particular Salvia plant is native to Mexico, specifically the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains. It can be found high up, in the 4,000 to 5,000 elevation range. The name “madrensis” was given because of this high elevation and the mountains in which it is typically found.

Uses for the Forsythia Sage

The showy blooms make it a great choice for a shrub border or for a perennial shade garden. You can use it under pine trees or oaks for a nice retrospect. I like it in pots and planters put around a deck, porch, or patio. It is very attractive to hummingbirds, so if you are looking for a great new plant for that hummingbird garden, this may be one to get. It is available in many online nurseries for purchase.

Hardy CultivarIf you are living in an area that gets a little colder than this Salvia prefers, try the ‘Dunham’ cultivar. It has been recorded to have survived a -9F temperature in North Carolina.

Next Post: Top Landscaping Services Near You

Acupuncture and Reiki: Complementary Modalities; Alternative Medicine

Philosophy of Healing

Approximately five thousand years ago acupuncture was practised by the Chinese as a complete philosophy of healing. They had observed that everything in nature needed to be in balance and found that tapping a certain area (with a stone) seemed to help pain in another part of the body. With the advent of the Bronze and Iron Ages they began to use needles made of these metals.


The early practitioners introduced the method of scarification, which was burning a special place on the body, using a stick or stone. In present days the practitioners use Moxa for certain treatments. Moxibustion is used to heat needles for specific areas where heat or energy is needed. Conditions such as anemia, where the patient is pale, chilly and tired, would be treated with heat. A gouty arthritis is itself a heat syndrome and does not require warmth but rather needs to have the heat dispersed.


The use of cupping is another technique utilized in the practice of acupuncture. The procedure is to take a small cup in which the oxygen has been removed by a lighted match and put it directly on the skin. The lack of oxygen in the cup allows it to cling to the skin. In the modern era they have introduced plastic cups that are attached to a device that creates a vacuum, thus allowing the cup to adhere to the skin by means of suction.

Different Styles

There are many different styles of acupuncture, among which are Scalp acupuncture; Korean hand acupuncture; auricular acupuncture and TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine, which is often used in conjunction with herbs). An example of treating a skin disorder such as psoriasis would be to use a plum blossom hammer (a small hammer with seven or eight small needles on the head) and tap over the plaque.


Many medical doctors now advise some of their patients who might be helped by acupuncture to seek out a practitioner. In St. Marys, Ontario, Dr.Barbara Lee, M.D., CAFCI (Certified with Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute), has limited her practice to the use of acupuncture and Reiki, another healing modality. Dr. Lee received her undergraduate degree in honors biology at the University of Western Ontario, and did her medical training at the University of Toronto. Two months of general medicine in Truro, Cornwall, England, followed, and she did her internship at the Wellesley Hospital in Toronto. Believing that compementary modalities could be very helpful, she left her medical practice to concentrate on acupuncture.

Uses of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is commonly used for muscle strain, sprains, tension and arthritis, and can be helpful in treating Allergies, Migraines, Menstrual problems, Menopausal symptoms, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Acupressure can help somewhat, but the needles are a much stronger form of treatment. For further reading on health see: Interstitial Cystitis.

Remodeling your bathroom can be an exciting yet daunting task. The end result can be so nice, but the getting there so difficult, especially when trying to work everything out financially. Here are ten tips to remember when remodeling your bathroom on a budget.

1. Determine what your goals really are.

When looking to remodel your bathroom, it’s easy to think of everything that you could ever want changed. But, all of that isn’t really necessary. Realistically look at your circumstances and decide what’s most important.

Given your budget, what really needs done? Are there pipes leaking? Is something broken? Is this an issue of needing more space? Or a more modern look? Getting new curtains obviously doesn’t fix the running toilet. And just wanting an overall updated look probably doesn’t require getting a new tub. Spending money on projects that don’t add value to that which you prioritize is a waste.

2. Identify what you can do yourself.

When remodeling a bathroom, there are likely projects you can take on yourself. Think through what needs done and split everything up into two categories: what you can reasonably do yourself and what you can’t do for yourself. Consider attending free home improvement workshops to better enable yourself for the tasks at hand.

There’s no point in paying a contractor extra to do something you could have handled on your own. Similarly, there’s no point in wasting supplies, time and effort in trying to pull off something you know you won’t be satisfied with. Contract for what you should contract, but do it yourself for projects you can handle.

3. Request multiple bids.

For the tasks you decidedly cannot do on your own, invite a few contractors to your house to offer quotes on what the total project will cost. Compare the offers. Ask what, in particular, makes one remodeling contractor able to offer this set of services for lower than another’s bid.

Consider what levels of quality you’re willing to negotiate on and what ones you aren’t. Contrast your preferences with what the various contractors are offering. Research the contractors to see what people are saying about them, and ask to see samples of previous work. Providently choose the best option for your circumstances.

4. Think ahead.

When looking to remodel on a budget, sometimes we get so caught up in saving money that we don’t think of the long-term ramifications of the choices we’re making. In an effort to save, we might choose to only remodel the downstairs bathroom and leave the kids’ alone for now. And that might be a great option.

But, if in three months we’re going to decide the kids’ bathroom really should get some remodeling done too, we’re going to miss out on the symbiotic benefits of renovating multiple bathrooms at the same time. Look at your situation and identify what work would be best done together. Proceed with the tasks that are both financially efficient and in line with your goals.

5. Consider your options.

Look for cheaper alternatives to fix the problems that need addressed. The floor may need replaced, but linoleum will likely cost less than tile. You may still opt for the tile, but you should do so realizing it’s the more expensive option.

If a bathtub’s only problem is that it’s pink, having the tub painted will likely be a less expensive option than having the tub entirely replaced. Similarly, choosing to replace small accessories instead of the major staples of a bathroom (where feasible) can be a cost-effective way to revamp a bathroom. With your goals in mind, carefully consider what less-expensive options are reasonable in your remodeling projects.

6. Buy secondhand.

Paying retail price for a new model is always going to damage the project’s bottom line. Think about buying secondhand, or even just buying last year’s model. Look at what’s being offered on sites like, which directs buyers to sellers in a way that also eliminates shipping costs.

7. Think small.

Even after you’ve eliminated unneeded projects and settled on a few essentials, there’s still room for thinking small and conservatively with the few projects that are on your plate. Only change what’s needed.

Buying all new towels may be more fun, but buying one new accent color to go with some old towels still in good repair would be more cost-efficient. The more expensive shower curtain may be the most amazing curtain you’ve ever seen, but one half the price might take care of the job just as well.

8. Go green.

In the long-run, energy-efficient models will save you money. And what better time is there to go green than when remodeling? Often contractors and/or home improvement stores will offer rebates on new models in exchange for older, less-efficient models. Work with your contractor to see if any energy-saving related deals apply to your bathroom remodeling projects.

9. Visit your thrift stores.

You could pay an arm and a leg for bathroom fixtures and fixings alone. For all the necessities that don’t require the utmost level of quality, look around at your local thrift stores and garage sales. There are certain aspects of remodeling a bathroom that do require a lot of money, so don’t waste it on the parts that don’t have to.

10. Be efficient.

For most bathrooms, organization is the key in not feeling small or being crowded. Being efficient with purchasing items that can multitask will not only help your budget but it will also help the end product of your remodeling efforts look nicer. Concentrate your decorating efforts on pieces that are functional as well as stylish. It would be a shame to negate all of your previous budget-minded remodeling efforts by spending too much on products you don’t need that will only clutter your new and improved bathroom.

My wife and I had an understanding before we decided to live together: I would make room for her warehouse of tools and she would allow me a complete floor to ceiling room for my books. After 11 blissful years, I have a library with over 5 thousand books including 300 volumes of Playboy Magazines, several first editions comic books. She has a basement, a garage, and a storage area for her tools.

I grew up in a construction business. My father was a general contractor. When I graduated from college, I wanted nothing to do with any type of construction work. I refused to even own a hammer. All that changed when I met my wife. Her garage was packed with tools and I knew she enjoyed using them.

Because my wife can handle a hammer better than most men, we saved money with repairs around the house. Coupled with experience from my construction years, we tackled a few household projects. We replaced electrical outlets, painted rooms, replaced door frames and sealed cracks in the basement block.

We decided to invest in real estate rental property and hired a management firm to oversee our investment. Once we realized the cost of having someone else manage our rental units, we quickly grabbed hammers, rulers, squares, electrical testers, paint brushes and pipe wrenches and went to work.

The first year we replaced our property management company we saved 10-15 thousand dollars. Even though our days are filled with sanding walls, repairing drywall, hanging fans, etc., we saved enough from our repair bills alone in this tight economy for a profitable balance sheet.

While some contractors (men mostly) frown when my wife directs their work with considerable competence and knowledge, over the years we noticed a change in the landscape which was once dominated by men. More women are entering the construction fields.

According to the Wall Street Journal’s February issue women are outpacing men in graduating from college and they have better employment prospects.

In 2016 we took a carpentry class at the local trade school. The class was a mixture of men and women. The women did not shy away from any of the hands-on instruction and were as capable as the men students.

We also participated in classes at Home Depot,

How much money did we save? Here are some examples.

1 .Replaced leaky faucet in tub, saved $490 for plumber, faucet and washer.
2. Repaired and painted walls in rental unit saved $3500.
3. Replaced electric plugs in the kitchen electrician $200 each 6 outlets equals $1200.
4. My wife replaced 10 door locks for rental units saving $35 hour from a handyman.
5,We replaced a door for $25. Original cost of the solid wood door: $1,000.

Handyman work is not just a man’s job. It can be a couple’s job and with the benefits of savings.

Remodel Your Bathroom for Under $500

Bathrooms are typically updated every 7 to 10 years. These updates usually focus on the flooring, fixtures and sometimes the porcelain elements (i.e. toilet, tub and sink). During a full scale bathroom remodel you can end up spending $10,000 or more. However, if your bathroom needs to be updated, or at least freshened up, and you don’t have a multi-thousand dollar budget to work with what do you do? The answer is to spend you money wisely and do the work yourself.

Remodeling a Bathroom for Under $500 – Step No. 1: Replace What Needs to Be Replaced

The first step in creating a budget for your bathroom remodel is to identify what needs to be replaced and what can be freshened up. Start by looking at your big ticket items, the toilet, tub and sink. Look for cracks in the porcelain, rusty pipes and other signs of excessive wear. Next look at the flooring. Again look for tears, chips, cracks, mold, stains and other signs of excessive wear. Finally, look at the cosmetics of your bathroom. Do you still like the color scheme, tile designs, etc.? If not, write down what you don’t like. After you have a list of items that need to be changed, repaired or replaced, you can visit local home improvement stores to start pricing items.

Remodeling a Bathroom for Under $500 – Step No. 2: Find Low Cost Products

If you are on a very tight budget, then you need to look for items that give the look you want but that are inexpensive. For example, high end one piece toilets cost around $300 to $500, however, you can buy a basic one piece white toilet from Glacier Bay for $99. Flooring is going to be another high ticket item. If you are looking for low cost tile, then shop around at tile closeout sales and garage sales. You can also look for salvage tiles. Paint can run you any where from $10 a gallon to $40 a gallon depending on the brand and where you buy it. Department stores are going to offer you the best prices on paint, however, your color choices will be limited.

Remodeling a Bathroom for Under $500 – Step No. 3: DIY

To keep your bathroom remodel under $500 you will also need to do the work yourself. Fortunately, installing a toilet, laying linoleum and painting are all very easy to do. If you have never installed a toilet before look for online video tutorials or written instructions to make your project easier on you. I am 5’1″ and have limited plumbing experience, and I was able to remove my old toilet and install in less than two hours, so it can be done with minimal effort.

Check out RG Counter tops a leading fabricator of kitchen and bathroom counter tops specializing in fabrication and installation of granite, marble, limestone, and quartz material. 

Towing Reimbursement Coverage: Consider Adding It to Your Policy

Imagine you are driving down the road and the next thing you know your check engine light comes on. This may seem like not a big deal, but then your car starts sputtering and dies on the side of the road. No matter what you do, it just will not start.

You are stuck calling a towing service and getting your car towed to the shop. Tows can be quite expensive, especially if you are a long way from home. One way to reduce the cost of getting your car towed is to add a towing reimbursement coverage plan to your policy.

What Is Towing Reimbursement Coverage?

Towing reimbursement coverage is exactly what it sounds like. When added to your car insurance policy, if your car ever breaks down or is involved in an accident, towing reimbursement coverage will pay for your car to be towed. Depending on the type of towing coverage that you have, the policy may cover towing up to a specified amount of miles, or it may cover a tow to anywhere you wish.

Additionally, most insurance companies have a set amount that they will pay for the tow, and you will be responsible for paying any amount above that. Some policies will include coverage for other eventualities, such as running out of gas or locking your keys inside your car.

Towing Reimbursement Limits

There are set limits by an insurance company as to how many times you are allowed to use this service during the course of a year. When you are discussing this coverage with your insurance agent, it is important to ask what the limit for your towing coverage will be.

It is important to not abuse this service. Using your towing reimbursement insurance too often can cause your insurance rates to go up, as you will be racking up the number of claims on your policy.

Roadside Assistance Versus Towing Reimbursement

When it comes to car insurance additions, it is always important to understand the different types of coverage available. Many insurance companies offer towing reimbursement as part of their standard collision and comprehensive policy. This means that if you are involved in an accident and cannot drive your vehicle from the scene of the accident, the insurance company will pay for towing your car to a repair shop.

However, roadside assistance coverage allows an individual the freedom to have their car towed no matter what the cause may be. Additionally, roadside assistance will have a set limit of coverage available as determined by the policy that you have chosen.

Benefits of Towing Insurance

Unfortunately, no one can predict when their car may break down or they might be involved in an accident. For this reason, it is important to have towing insurance to help pay for the unexpected cost of having your car towed should this happen to you.

Depending on the distance and what towing company is used, the cost of a tow can be very expensive, not to mention the cost of having your car repaired. Towing reimbursement coverage offers a way to lower these costs and gives you the peace of mind in knowing that should your car break down, you will have someone to come pick you up.


When choosing a car insurance policy, it is important to think about all of the possible situations you could be involved in. From accidents to a simple break down, having the right insurance policy in place can make all of the difference. Make sure to research the coverage that you are paying for and make sure that if you are in any of the above situations, your policy has some form of protection for it.

Counseling Services’ Workshops Focus on Time Management

If you are experiencing difficulty in juggling classes, homework and a job while trying to find time for yourself, don’t worry — there is hope.

Counseling Services at the Snow Health Center began offering stress management workshops for students Wednesday.

The goal of the workshops is to teach students how to manage their time effectively.

Megan McInerney, a graduate assistant at Snow Health Center, said every college student handles stress differently.

Students who are coming directly from high school may have a harder time coping with stress than a student who has been in college for a while, McInerney said.

McInerney listed three important tips students need to remember in managing stress: No.1: Take care of yourself; No.2: Schedule time for yourself; and No.3: Avoid drugs and alcohol.

She said drinking alcohol doesn’t decrease your stress load or make your problems disappear.

Your stress doesn’t go away, McInerney said. It is important for students to talk about stress when it becomes really bothersome.

She also said that students should let other people know when they are feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes having someone share or take over a few tasks can help alleviate stress.

Counseling Services is available to help students from 12:45 to 2:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

These services are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students can also make an appointment to see a counselor if needed. The services are free.

McInerney also said students can look on the Internet for ideas on how to manage stress.

McInerney encouraged students to attend the workshops.

I am hoping that students will take something away from this to apply in their every day life, McInerney said.

Acupuncture for Migraines: What You Need to Know

I’m one of those high-strung people who constantly suffers from stress-related pain. Backaches, tension headaches, muscle pain, joint tenderness and abdominal cramping are an everyday part of my life. When the going gets really tough, I sometimes develop intense migraines that– without some form of treatment– can last days.

I have yet to find one single treatment that knocks out all of these problems, but the tenants of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) have always been beneficial to me. I’ve found that TCM treatments, including acupuncture and acupressure, have always helped to relieve my migraine-related pain and other forms of recurrent discomfort.

If you’re interested in using acupuncture to treat your own migraine symptoms, there are several key points to consider.

1. Talk to your doctor. This isn’t just a recommendation that we health-writers give to appease attorneys. It really is a critical step in seeking treatment for migraines– or, for that matter, any other medical condition. Your health care provider can help to diagnose your migraines to differentiate them from similar problems, such as sinusitis or severe tension headaches. She can also evaluate you for signs of common migraine causes, such as hormonal imbalance and food intolerance. A comprehensive evaluation is essential for guaranteeing a correct diagnosis and a safe treatment.

2. Understand acupuncture. Acupuncture faces a tremendous amount of misunderstanding, both among health care providers and among those receiving the treatment. Traditional healers use acupuncture to stimulate specific points in the body, known as medians, by inserting very thin needles into the skin. In TCM theory, this facilitates the flow of chi, or life-energy, into the appropriate areas of the body, thereby enabling healing and pain relief. TCM theory is neither entirely consistent nor entirely inconsistent with Western medical science. Despite thousands of years of traditional use, it’s not clear if acupuncture really “works” or fails to work for migraines.

3. Know the evidence. Only one Western clinical study has evaluated acupuncture’s efficacy as a migraine treatment. In the study, which was published in the British Medical Journal, adults who experienced migraines more than twice per month were divided into two groups. One group received only conventional treatments for migraines, while the other group received both conventional treatments and regular acupuncture. Those who received acupuncture had fewer headaches, needed less medication, made fewer doctor’s visits and missed fewer work days than the group receiving conventional treatment alone.

4. Know the limitations. Like all treatments, acupuncture does have limitations. The clinical trial examining acupuncture for migraines failed to account for the placebo effect– the patients receiving acupuncture may have experienced improvement simply because they believed that the treatment was working. There’s also no clear evidence that “real” acupuncture works better than “sham” acupuncture, or that it can entirely replace conventional treatments. It’s also critical to understand that acupuncture fails to effectively eliminate underlying problems such as hormonal imbalances.

5. Consider other treatments. TCM practitioners rarely recommend acupuncture as a sole treatment for any condition. Instead, it usually on a holistic view of the patient. Comprehensive TCM treatment may involve acupuncture in combination with medicinal herbs, dietary changes, exercises, meditation and conventional treatments. Of course, always get the go-ahead from your health care provider before you use any of these treatments. Medicinal herbs and radical dietary changes can cause dangerous side effects when used inappropriately.

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